To hit it off. 投緣 合拍 


Tom & Mary saw each other at the party last night and they hit it off. Tom跟Mary昨晚在派對上見到彼此之後就很投緣。
to fall / go / be head over heels for/ with sb. 為某人神魂顛倒
Tom fell head over heels for the girl he met at the party. Tom為了他在派對上遇到的女孩神魂顛倒。
Be on the rocks. 狀況不好
My relationship with my boyfriend has been on the rocks for a while.我跟我男朋友的關係已經不好一陣子了。
To pop the question 求婚
Tom is going to pop the question tonight. Tom今晚就要求婚了。
To tie the knot 結婚
They have decided to tie the knot this year. 他們已經決定今年要結婚了。
To settle down定下來
My mom always asks me "When are you going to settle down?"我媽老是問我“你什麼時候要定下來?”
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