(無知的)小屁孩 = little punk <...RD英文>

(被寵壞的)屁孩 = spoiled brat<...RD英文>

邊緣人 = loner<...RD英文>

酸民 = hater

正義魔人 = social justice warrior<...RD英文>

(只重外表的)瞎妹 = attention-seeking bimbo<...RD英文>

沒特色的 = basic

愛跟風的人 = a bandwagon / jump on a band wagon

嗆人 = diss(disrespect) sb.

嘴砲 = trash talk / talk sh*t

甩頭髮 = do hair flip

超讚 = on fleek (源自eyebrows on fleek) 

ex: Your new shoes are on fleek. 你的新鞋超讚的.

吐槽 = throw shade at sb. / shade sb.

最愛 = bae (baby/ before anyone else) 

ex: Latte is my bae. I need a cup of it every morning. 拿鐵是我的最愛 每天早上我都要來一杯.

(對某事)非常清楚關心 = woke 

ex: Those people are woke about global warming.那些人對全球暖化非常關心.

開趴 = turn up

ex: We're about to turn up at Sally's. Are you coming?我們要去Sally加開趴 你要來嗎?

玩超嗨超瘋 = turnt

ex: I was so turnt at the party last night.我昨晚在派對上玩超嗨.

超屌 = lit (literally)

ex: The party last night was lit. 昨晚的派對超屌的.

好狂/超讚 = snatched

ex: Wow! Your outfit is snatched. 妳的衣服超好看!

天生一對 = OTP (one true pair)

好朋友的共同目標 = #squadgoals

嘟嘴 = duckface

ex: Stop doing that duckface. You look stupid.不要再嘟嘴了...妳看起來很蠢.

你懂的~ = You feel me.



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